About Me

I am a Professor in School of Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China. I am also with National Engineering Laboratory for Integrated Aero-Space-Ground-Ocean Big Data Application Technology, China.

I received a bachelor and a PhD degree at Beihang University, Beijing, China, in 2004 and 2011 respectively; then worked at Fujitsu Beijing R&D center for one year and at University of Adelaide for four years. Since 2017, I have been working as a Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University.

My research is focused on Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Recently, I am particularly interested in Cross-media Intelligence, OCR and Instance-level Recognition. Some of my work have been published on top-tier journals and conferences on CV and AI, including TPAMI, IJCV, TIP, TGRS, TNNLS, TMM, CVIU, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI and IJCAI.


2020/02/26 One TMM paper accepted.

2020/02/25 Two papers accepted by CVPR 2020.

2019/11/12 参加CSIG图像图形中国行-陕西科技大学站,并作报告。

2019/11/11 One AAAI paper (the first author is an undergraduate student) and one TIP paper got accepted.

2019/11/11 I served as a local co-chair for PRCV 2019. Our team presented 2 orals and 1 poster as well. conference website

2019/08/30 I co-organized a PR (IF=5.898) special issue on vision and language. Submission deadline: 12 February 2020. callfor

2019/08/27 参加ChinaMM2019讲习班,并作报告:“结合外部知识的视觉理解与推理”。

2019/08/14 Our team won the 3rd place in the plain reid track of the ICCV 2019 Challenge on Computer Vision for Wildlife Conservation. leaderboard, code

2019/07/25 参加CSIG“青年科学家论坛”,并作报告:“文本图像读取和图像语义理解”。

2019/07/23 One paper accepted by ICCV 2019.

2019/06/10 参加CCF-CV走进高校——“计算机视觉前沿技术及应用”报告会,并做题为“图像语义理解与视觉问答”的报告

2019/05/28 Our team was the 4th place in Task2.1 "Scene text recognition (Latin only)" of ICDAR2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Arbitrary-Shaped Text. leaderboard

2019/05/18 We won the 1st place in Task2 "Text Line Recognition in the Signboard" of ICDAR 2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Reading Chinese Text on Signboard, jointly with South China University of Technology and University of Adelaide. leaderboard, code

2019/04/12 I co-organized a VALSE 2019 Workshop on "Combining Vision and Language". link

2018/12/03 I co-organized an ACCV 2018 workshop on "Combining Vision and Language". link

2018/11/18 参加CSIG多媒体智能分析前沿论坛,担任学术沙龙主席并做报告:“场景文字检测与识别方向上的探索”。

2018/11/17 参加CCF-CV走进高校系列报告会,并做报告:“先见之明与他山之石——大数据时代下知识迁移的探索与实践”。

2018/09/01 We were the 3rd place in the fashion product search track of JD AI Fashion-Challenge, ChinaMM, 2018. leaderboard

Recruiting Research Students

I am actively recruiting Post-doc, PhD and Master students. Please contact me via email.

诚挚欢迎有志于从事计算机视觉、自然语言处理、机器学习和人工智能前沿方向研究的同学加入我的团队,报考我的硕士、博士和博士后。请通过邮件与我联系。 本课题组学术气氛热烈浓厚,与国内外众多一流高校有着长期密切的交流合作。我会为每位研究生安排一名国内外知名年轻学者作为共同导师,联合培养。 每位博士生和部分优秀硕士生均有6-24个月出国研修机会。课题组每年会参加Valse论坛。资助每一位有论文录用的学生去国外开会。 本实验室拥有一流的科研环境,配有超算服务器20余台,高性能GPU近百块,满足大规模机器学习算法模型的训练与测试。另为每个研究生单独配有一台GPU工作站,用于日常程序调试。 对于有意进入本课题组实习的优秀本科生,希望能保证在实验室工作一年以上并且每周16个小时的工作时间。